Mobile ID
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Mobile operators and other service providers are constantly looking at new ways to provisioning their services to the subscribers. With increasing online fraud and identity thefts, the challenge they face is on offering these services in a secure way. According to 2017 Identity Fraud study by Javelin Strategy & Research, 15.4 million US consumers lost $16 billion due to identity theft in 2016.
Subscribers browse multiple sites and access services from different service providers. They use multiple passwords for accessing these services, hence chances of misuse due to unsafe storage, lost or stolen passwords can occur. It is also important for services providers to authenticate that the users, in fact, are who they claim to be. With the rapid acceleration of online applications usage, the need is greater than ever to seamlessly verify the user identity for content access management across platforms.
Biometrics Storage
With 5 billion subscribers globally, the mobile has become the primary device for not only communications but also for accessing online applications and content. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, from the morning alarm, to scheduling our day, to voice and video calls, to messaging, to access our online bank accounts, to browsing digital content, to using the various mobile productivity apps, etc. The user (subscriber) is the central entity around which all these services and content is being provisioned, hence it becomes imperative that the identity of the user is securely stored and verified in order to access all these services. The identity attributes that are unique to each user are their biometric information.
Simage solutions enable for the user information to be stored securely on the mobile and securely accessed for verification purposes. We can store the user's fingerprint scan, facial scans, retina scans, etc in the mobile. The data is encrypted and accessible only by validating the biometric information by the user. This guarantees a high level of security as the user information will be inaccessible even if the mobile device is stolen. This information can be captured from the user at the time of the registration of the mobile subscription by the mobile operator. This means that the data has been verified by the operator before issuing the SIM card. Biometrics can then be used to authenticate the user for various services.
User ID Authentication
Biometrics and other credentials of the user can be used to authenticate their identity when provisioning various services to them. Simage provides complete ID management on the mobile and the ability to use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) for validating the user identity. With this system, the various services providers can use the 'Federated ID' of the user. Depending on the level of security required the service providers can ask for authentication by 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) or MFA. In an MFA scenario, the service provider can ask for a password, the fingerprint scan and also the validation of an OOBA (Out-of-band authentication) message.
Mobile Operator / Service Provider Benefits
Cost-effective implementation
Reduced time to securely offer new services
Maintain reputation with the highly secure platform
Works with any handset
Federated ID allows cross-platform collaboration opportunities
Subscriber Benefits​​
No special technical configurations required
Safety of data with lost or stolen devices
No hassle with forgotten passwords
No worries about ID theft